A study done at an academic medical centre in USA, investigated the functional differences between patients who received surgical intervention and ones who received exercise-based physiotherapy has concluded no difference at any point during their 2-year study. Lower back pain…
Healthy spine begins at early school age
With increased academic focus on our young children, kids these days still struggle to shake off the fate of transporting heavy schoolbags to and from schools, exposing them to risk of permanent spinal injury at early age. Survey by Australian…
Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain
While pain killers may be useful in controlling the symptom of discomfort, one should know that unless the cause of pain is addressed, the endless cycle of recurrent pain can be highly likely. We all had experience where pain would…
Lumbar support belt. Which one?
People often ask which lumbar support works better to help ease their pain. There is however no one answer for all, as sources of pain can be attributed to different causes, hence which one (or even the need of one)…
Lower back pain: Opioid painkillers provide minimal benefit
Opiate based medications include Codeine, Morphine, Oxycodone / Endo, and Tramadol A recent interview conducted by ABC reporter, Michael MacKenzie with Professor Andrew McLachlan, discussed the new research finding re effectiveness of Opioid medication in managing lower back pain. Professor McLachlan reported…
When it comes to your health, does someone you trust provide you with evidence based treatments?
“Melbourne chiropractor who cracked back of baby temporarily banned from treating children.” – A news headline says. There has always been a strong emphasis on the importance of evidence based practice within the health industry, as we continue to seek…
National Heart Week- 01/05/16 – 07/05/16
Join us in celebrating and raising awareness re cardiac rehabilitation. Do you know that there are certain risk factors that increase a likelihood of developing a heart disease? While some risk factors can’t be altered, i.e. gender (male) and family…
Calls for nation-wide audit of spinal surgery to prevent patients going under knife prematurely
80% of Australians would have experienced at least one episode of lower back pain in their lifetime. With lower back pain being one of the most disabling conditions in our nation, finding an effective way to manage this problem is…
How your body changes your brain
Ms Sarah Berry, a reporter who had a phone interview with Dr Norman Doidge, a American psychiatrist and researcher, has written an article: ‘How your body changes your brain’ exploring how brain interact and improve coordination of body function through practices.…
Choosing Wisely Campaign – Physio choose treatments wisely
The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has released six recommendations – as part of the evidence-based healthcare campaign Choosing Wisely – to help improve Australian’s healthcare outcomes. The APA list of recommendations is: Don’t request imaging for patients with non-specific low…