
is part of an integrated mainstream healthcare and an evidence-based medical profession that utilizes methods of physical means to help relieve pain, restore movements, improve strength, and increase functions.

At Primelife Physiotherapy, each presenting symptom is thoroughly investigated before any diagnosis is made in which it will then form the basis for our treatment advice and injury management.

With strong emphasis on evidence-based practice, our physiotherapist utilizes only those treatment techniques that were repeatedly studied and challenged to ensure their clinical effectiveness.

Treatments available at Primelife Physiotherapy include manual therapy, i.e. mobilization, trigger point massage, and movement facilitation; dry needling; taping application; and exercise prescription, i.e. strengthening, stretching, endurance training, proprioceptive, coordination retraining, postural correction, and core stability.


At Primelife Physiotherapy, we treat all kinds of musculoskeletal conditions, including but not limited to:

• all kinds of muscle / tendon / joint injuries, pain & discomfort

• spinal injury, pain, & discomfort

• arthritis, i.e. osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

• various types of fractures

• pregnancy related pain and discomfort


Examples like:

• Neck: strain, tension, impingement, wry neck, whiplash, disc injury, joint arthritis, headache, malalignment, TMJ dysfunction

• Shoulder: tear, dislocation, bursitis, tendinitis, impingement, rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, polymyalgia, fibromyalgia

• Elbow: tendonitis, nerve entrapment, tennis elbow, golf elbow, decreased range of movements

• Hand / Wrist: Carpal Tunnel, various muscle / tendon / ligament injuries, loss of range, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, arthritis, instability, mallet finger, trigger finger, ‘clicking’ with movements

• Back: sciatica, bulging disc, nerve impingement, crushed fracture, joint pathology, spinal instability, scoliosis, stenosis, Scheuermann’s disease, pregnancy related

• Hip / Groin / Buttock: FAI (Femoroacetabular impingement), ITB syndrome, various muscle / tendon injuries, athletic pubalgia, joint pathology, limping, painful gait

• Knee: cartilage injury, arthritis, give way, joint malalignment, patello-femoral joint conditions, meniscus tear, ACL / PCL / collateral ligamentous injury

• Ankle / Foot: Achilles injury, sprained ligament, instability, plantar fasciitis, avulsion fracture, foot drop, restless leg, bunion / tailor’s bunion, hammer toe, mallet toe, claw toe

• Rectus Diastasis (separation of abdominal muscles)


Neurological conditions:

• Stroke, MS, acquired brain injury, conditions that affect coordination, movement control, pain, and strength

(mobility & balance- only mild severity will be accepted due to safety concerns over limited onsite equipment)

• BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)

• Vertigo caused by disorder involving central nerve system